I was trying to find if we could do version controlling in Domino without using any paid software (something like Teamstudio). I had a curiosity if Eclipse having tight integration with the Concurrent Versions System (CVS) and Subversion (SVN), so can domino 8.5.1 provides the same? To keep this in mind I've started my R&D and found some possibilities. Here they are,
My first task was to find the way to enable Subclipse ( Subclipse is a project to add Subversion support to the Eclipse IDE )in domino designer. In Eclipse it can be achieved easily using Help->Software Updates menu option but it's not available in designer 8.5.1
However designer 8.5.1 has this feature hidden ( not completely the same as Eclipse ). To enable this feature you need to add following line in plugin_customization.ini file which is located at \Notes\framework\rcp path.
You must need to start designer after modification. Now here is your Install option,
Next task to enable Subclipse. Steps are,
Use Subclipse update site "http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.0.x"
Once done you will be asked to restart Notes
Now go to designer and change your perspective to SVN Repository
Add new SVN repository ( For demo I'm connecting to Subclipse site where SVN is setup),
Login id is : guest and password is space.
Once connected you can see existing repositories from SVN server,
To create version on SVN server use Team->Share Project option,
Stay tune for more..
Drop me an e-mail to get sample database.
Recently, I've got a query regarding editing of .lss file in designer 8.5.1 . According to him ,
"I'm using massively .lss files that resides on a file server (which I can share using SVN/CVS...) in order to protect my code and I'm using SVN to maintain the code, but I do have a problem for editing these files as the Domino Designer is not able to just open them from my windows explorer."
I've started my investigation with Package Explorer view . It shows Java element hierarchy of your project in your workbench and provides easy way to manage project hierarchy. Designer 8.5.1 internally uses .lsa extension for Agents and .lss for Script libraries. So if you try to open them in "Lotus Script Editor" it perfectly opens in design mode , shown below
However if someone is not willing to import each .lss file in Script library to edit them then what are the options he has to edit them in Lotus script editor ? Most feasible solution is to import them in Resources->File section and open them in Lotus Script editor but it doesn't work ,
If you look closely to Java errors it indicates Lotus Script editor can't be invoke from Resources section . However Text Editor can be invoked but I don't think so anybody would be interested in that . Is it a bug or is this a way designer 8.5.1 built ?
Any thoughts ?
New Project at OpenNTF: Active directory name picker servlet for web/ Active directory search using LS for client
As I've written two articles " Active directory name picker using Java Servlet" and " Accessing LDAP using Lotus Script" earlier . Today got some time to make sample database with both the examples and uploaded on OpenNTF.org. Here is the link,
Active directory name picker and search
Sample database has two forms; One for search user in Active directory on Notes client and other form for name picker which runs on web.
I've added important considerations in "About database" page to run both the examples smoothly so hope developers will not find any difficulties to run or customize the solution.