Just started my day with a cup of coffee and Google news and found an article in zdnet about some Microsoft market strategy.I don't get much interest in reading non technical stuffs but something is quite noticeable in this article.

"In a briefing earlier this week, Ron Markezich, corporate VP, Microsoft Online Services told me that most of his team’s customer wins are at the expense of the IBM division: “Seventy-five percent of our enterprise customers are coming from a non-Microsoft platform — predominantly [Lotus] Notes.”

What only I care , Is this a correct figure ? If it is then It's serious concern for Lotus Notes professionals , But if not then what..

I would say F**k off Microsoft, don't spoil my day !

In my last article, I've demonstrated how designer 8.5.1 can be used to connect SVN environments within domino designer for version controls.

In this series, I'm going to show how designer 8.5.1 can be used to test Web Services in simple steps using SoapUI within Lotus Notes. Those who haven't done much in web services can follow my last article ( Web Services implementation in Domino ) and I would discuss the same flight booking availability web service here. So lets skip the code and other details which I've added in the last article only Web Service testing part will be discussed.

You may notice I've used Eclipse WTP to test my web service in earlier article. Let's check how SoapUI plugin with Domino designer 8.5.1 can used to test Web Services.

First step would be to install SoapUI plugin from http://www.soapui.org/eclipse/update/site.xml update site. Other details will be the same as mentioned in the last article. Once installation is done you can see SoapUI plugin in application location like below,

Now go to designer and change your perspective to SoapUI,

Create new SoapUI project ,

Specify project name and WSDL file location,

Once you have done with wizard you should get following hierarchy ( It may differ if you generate TestSuite and MockService ).

Double click on "Request 1" to open SOAP request window,

You may notice there are some question marks in XML tag which denotes SOAP request needs argument to generate SOAP response. My flight booking web service takes four arguments Travel start date, Travel end date, Travel from and Travel to. I will pass the arguments as per my sample documents.

Pass your arguments and click on green arrow button . Here are both the results,

Drop me an e-mail for the database discussed in the article.

Stay tune for more...

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