Few days back I was using the Google mail , I observed most of the commercial mail sites are hiding "CC" and "Bcc" field in memo form. I love the way as Google has done.So, I felt to play with my notes mail box.I have done the things in same way which google mail gives.See below :

Here are the steps to achieve the same :

1/ Add two custom fields in your "Memo" form, Say "c_Cc" and "c_Bcc".Hide it permanently.
2/ Keep default value for both the field as "1".
3/ Create one row just below to "To" field and Create two hot spots "Add Cc" and "Add Bcc" . Shown below :

4/ Put the following formula for "Add Cc" hotspot :

FIELD c_Cc:="0";
FIELD c_Cc:="1";

5/ Put the following formula for "Add Bcc" hotspot :

FIELD c_Bcc:="0";
FIELD c_Bcc:="1";

6/ Add c_Cc="1" in hide when formula for "EnterCopyTo" field and whole table row.

7/ Add c_Bcc="1" in hide when formula for "EnterBlindCopyTo" field and whole table row.

8/ Add a row below to the Subject and create Hot spot as "Attach a File".

9/ Put the following formula for hot spot :


Thts it .!!!

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