Dojo made easier to build model popup window with blur parent.It can be easily achieved using dijit.Dialog.Dojo dialog box acts like a web form on a sticky note. By overlaying the view page underneath it, the dialog box can use room for more form
controls. First look into some cool examples which can be done using dijit.Dialog.
Let's see in simple steps,
- I assume before start you already have dojo set up in your machine.
- Create DIV tag at the end of your web form and specify dojoType as dijit.Dialog. Along with that add id and title tag to DIV.E.g,
- Next you need to design your HTML which you're going to display in dialog box. Let's say simple address popup box. E.g,
- Pleace your HTML inside DIV tag which you've created in first step. E.g,
- At the end call your dialog box on any event using show() method of dijit. E.g,
- Check the output ,